Dr Tanbara vaccinating a child

Board Members

Community Health Care Needs You!

Community Health Care is looking for current Patients who would like to be Volunteer Board Committee Members! NEEDED Board Committee Members

  • The Community Health Care Board Committees are an important part of our health center system.
  • More than half of our Committee Members are patients. Committee Members help set policy and make decisions that ensure the future of health care access for the people of our community.
  • “But,” you say, “I’m low-income.” That’s okay; we need people who are low-income to represent other Community Health Care patients who are also low-income.
  • “I don’t speak English very well.” That okay, too! Many of our Community Health Care patients speak English as a second language and you can represent them.
  • “I can’t afford it.” Any expenses that you may incur in approved activities can be paid for you. These costs can include travel and childcare.

Our Board helps create the way forward in Community Health Care’s mission: To provide the highest quality health care with compassionate and accessible service for all.

For more information you call us at (253) 597-4550 or email us at chcea@commhealth.org